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Outdated documentation

You are reading outdated documentation. This page documents ChirpStack v3. ChirpStack v4 is the latest version.

Prometheus metrics

ChirpStack Network Server provides a Prometheus metrics endpoint for monitoring the performance of the ChirpStack Network Server service. Please refer to the Prometheus website for more information on setting up and using Prometheus.


Please refer to the Configuration documentation.


Go runtime metrics

These metrics are prefixed with go_ and provide general information about the process like:

  • Garbage-collector statistics
  • Memory usage
  • Go go-routines

gRPC API metrics

These metrics are prefixed with grpc_ and provide metrics about the gRPC API. e.g.:

  • The number of times each API was called
  • The duration of each API call (if enabled in the Configuration

Gateway backends

Azure IoT Hub

These metrics are prefixed with backend_azure_iot_hub_ and provide:

  • The number of received events by the Azure IoT Hub backend
  • The number of published commands by the Azure IoT Hub backend

GCP Pub/Sub

These metrics are prefixed with backend_gcp_pub_sub_ and provide:

  • The number of received events by the GCP Pub/Sub backend
  • The number of published commands to by the GCP Pub/Sub backend


These metrics are prefixed with backend_mqtt_ and provide:

  • The number of received events by the MQTT backend
  • The number of published commands by the MQTT backend
  • The number of times the MQTT backend connected to the MQTT broker
  • The number of times the MQTT backend disconnected from the MQTT broker