Gateway configuration

ChirpStack is compatible with most gateways that are available. Most gateways provide the Semtech Packet Forwarder and / or Semtech Basics Station. Some vendors have included the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder or ChirpStack Gateway Bridge into their firmware. As well for some gateway models, ChirpStack provides packages that can be installed on the gateway. In most cases, there are different ways how you can connect your gateway to ChirpStack.

Per vendor / gateway configuration

If the vendor of your gateway is listed in the menu left, then please consult that documentation page, before continuing with the generic configuration instructions below. If the vendor or gateway is not listed, then most likely your gateway is still compatible with ChirpStack, only we haven't documented the steps yet. If you would like to contribute, then please consider creating a pull-request. You will find the source of this documentation at

Generic configuration instructions

Gateways supporting Semtech UDP Packet Forwarder protocol

Gcluster_0LoRa® Gatewaycluster_1Cloud / server / VMsemtech-udp-packet-forwarderSemtech UDP Packet Forwarderchirpstack-gateway-bridgeChirpStack Gateway Bridgesemtech-udp-packet-forwarder->chirpstack-gateway-bridgeUDP
  • You need to install the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on your server with the semtech_udp backend enabled (default configuration).
  • You need to configure your gateway to forward its data to your ChirpStack Gateway Bridge instance. In most cases, the parameters you need to configure on your gateway are:
    • Hostname: The hostname or IP address of the server on which the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge is installed.
    • Uplink & downlink port: ChirpStack Gateway Bridge default is 1700 for both.

Gateways supporting Basics Station Packet Forwarder protocol

Gcluster_0LoRa® Gatewaycluster_1Cloud / server / VMsemtech-basics-stationSemtech Basics Stationchirpstack-gateway-bridgeChirpStack Gateway Bridgesemtech-basics-station->chirpstack-gateway-bridgeWebSocket
  • You need to install the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on your server with the basic_station backend enabled. Please see the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge Configuration.
    • There are three configuration options with regards to TLS and authentication:
      1. No TLS: In this case you leave tls_cert, tls_key and ca_cert empty.
      2. Server TLS: In this case you must configure tls_cert and tls_key.
      3. Mutual TLS: In this case you must configure tls_cert, tls_key and ca_cert.
  • You need to configure your gateway such that it will connect to the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge (Basics Station interface).
    • At least you must configure the:
      • Hostname: This must point to the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge Basics Station listener. For the No TLS option, this will be ws://hostname:port, e.g. ws:// (port 3000 is the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge default). For the two TLS options, you must use wss://hostname:port (note the ws vs wss difference).
    • If you are using Server TLS configuration in the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge, then you must also configure the CA certificate that has been used to sign the server certificate.
    • If you are using the Mutual TLS configuration in the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge, then you must configure the CA certificate that has been sued to sign the server certificate, the gateway client-certificate and private key.

Note: If ChirpStack has been configured for this, then you can generate per-gateway client-certificates through the ChirpStack web-interface.

Gateways with out-of-the-box ChirpStack support

Please consult the gateway manual for instructions.

Raspberry Pi based gateways

Please refer to the ChirpStack Gateway OS documentation.